This Creative Commons Global Summit Program is subject to change.

Global Summit hashtag is: #ccsummit15

Deeper conversations about the Summit and sharing of useful information such as local events, things to do, places to meetup etc. are invited to take place in the CC Korea hosted Global Summit Slack Channel. Get a Slack invite at https://ccglobalsummit2015.herokuapp.com

Thomas Margoni

School of Law - University of Stirling, UK
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
Thomas Margoni
I teach IP at the School of Law, Stirling University in the UK and I do research in the fields of copyright, designs, patents, trademarks and other related areas, especially in Open Access and Open Science projects. OpenMinTeD (openminted.eu) is a project dedicated to Text and Data Mining where I coordinate the legal working group. Open Design is another project where I worked on some of the legal issues related to digital fabrication.